No matter what you’re facing, Black Gold Transport has the equipment to help you meet it head on.
Vacuum & Combo Vacs
You’ve got waste, we’ve got you covered. With our modern fleet of vacuum trucks we can assist in spill cleanup, fluid transfers, tank cleaning, and waste removal. Our units are capable of hauling pup trailers, more than doubling load capacity when high volumes are expected. Black Gold Transport’s innovative tank cleaning solutions use engineering controls to maximize efficiency and minimize worker exposure.

Using high pressure water to cut soil and vacuum up debris, hydrovaccing is an effective way to expose utilities and perform general digs. Where mechanical excavation could cause damage to underground facilities, hydrovaccing allows for safe exposure. Black Gold Transport’s utilization of high end equipment and skilled operators ensures that your dig is performed right the first time.
Tank Trucks
Our tank trucks are ready to support your fluid hauling needs. Whether it is frack or flow-back water, sweet or sour, we have the truck for you. Moving dangerous goods? No problem; our units are up to code and can haul whatever you need, including KCL, methanol, diesel, etc.

Pressure Trucks
Pressure trucks have numerous applications in the oil and gas industry. Routine hydro testing, maintaining back pressure, sending pigs, tank cleaning, chemical injection, and batching are just of few of them. If you need a pressure truck, we’re your first choice in The Peace Region.
Hot Oilers
Hot oilers are typically used to remove wax deposits from upper wellbores in order to retain oil production. Our hot oilers can be used to heat a variety of workover fluids and can meet any heating demand in the oil and gas industry. The ability to heat large volumes of fluid in a timely manner, combined with its high pressure pump has led to other uses for our hot oiler, including tank and C-ring cleaning.

Steam Trucks & Boilers
Winters in Northern BC and Alberta can be challenging. Black Gold Transport can supply you with steam and boiler trucks to ensure that your operation runs smoothly despite inclement weather. Our units are capable of running dry steam and roughneck heaters to avoid damaging sensitive equipment. We have the tools needed for culvert thawing and snaking lines. High pressure equipment washing and degreasing tasks provide our customers with year round applications for our steamers.